

Stoke Newington High Street

Restaurant & Food Delivery , Small Scale and Permitted Development

Firstplan successfully secured consent by prior approval for the change of use of a retail unit (Class A1) for use as a restaurant (Class A3) in this busy town centre location. The existing tenant was soon to vacate the premises and our client sought to maximise the potential to find a suitable long-term tenant by securing the change of use to a restaurant to enable the unit to be marketed to a wider range of occupiers.

The Class A1 retail use of the unit was protected by adopted planning policy. Firstplan therefore advised the client to make use of permitted development rights afforded by Class C of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 which allow for the change of use of retail, betting office or pay day loan shops to a restaurant. These permitted development rights are subject to a number of conditions and limitations, and the prior approval of the Local Planning Authority.

Firstplan has extensive experience of the prior approval process, including office to residential schemes, domestic extensions and other developments. Our understanding of the procedures and restrictions was a huge benefit to our client. As a result, we were able to secure the change of use to a restaurant via the prior approval process, which would otherwise have been more difficult through a traditional planning application.

Firstplan has secured similar consents via the prior approval process at Westminster City Council, Lambeth Council and Southwark Council.
