

Derriford District Centre

Retail & Town Centres

Firstplan secured planning permission for a new commercial district centre in the Derriford area of Plymouth, which will deliver a mixed use, foodstore-led scheme in the heart of an area which is the focus for significant investment and regeneration activity for the Council.

The scheme will comprise of two large foodstores, together with a supporting range of other commercial facilities including a gym and drive-thru coffee shop. The scheme also delivers critical new infrastructure to help unlock the wider surrounding area for development, including the provision of a new access road and gateway landscaping to help define the area as the start of a new public realm route known as the ‘Seaton Arc’.

Firstplan’s involvement in this project was wide-ranging, commencing with the undertaking of initial pre-application discussions with the authority, to preparing and submitting the planning application, negotiation of planning conditions, liaison with the local planning authority throughout the determination process and providing advice on developer contributions.  Firstplan also led on taking the project through Design Review Panel and liaising with officers to help explain the commercial challenges of delivering the scheme.

In addition, Firstplan prepared the retail and town centre policy analysis in support of the application. Although the development of a new district centre had policy support in the development plan, the plan also required demonstration that the development of a new district centre at this location would not impact the existing network of centres in the Plymouth area. Through the preparation of a robust retail impact and sequential assessment, developed through extensive scoping with the authority’s appointed specialist consultant, we were able to provide clear demonstration to the authority that any potential impacts would be fully acceptable, and that there were no alternative, sequential sites which could accommodate the development proposals

Images credit: Farrell & Clark Architects

  • Michael Mills,
    020 4513 2304