The Unicorn, Camden, London
Firstplan provided planning consultancy services with respect to the redevelopment of The Unicorn, a public house and long-established live music venue, which is a landmark corner building dating from the 1830’s, situated at the boundary of LB Camden and LB Islington.
Firstplan worked closely with the project architects, to extend, modernise and breathe new life into this historic building. The planning permission allows for the sympathetic extension, refurbishment and reconfiguration to allow the creation of 7no. residential units, a new Class E unit, and an improved public house and live music venue area.
Firstplan’s role as planning consultant included engaging in pre-application discussions with officers, providing planning advice and preparing a Planning and Heritage Statement to support the application, which included a robust justification for the loss of existing pub floorspace at ground level – a key material planning consideration. The scheme was subsequently granted planning permission, subject to a Section 106.
The project architect is Child Graddon Lewis Architects & Designers.